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Risultati 1-20 di 101

77 posizioni libanesi

storie di famiglia

  • Beaune, Francois


son histoire, ses ruines, ses légendes

  • Dunand, Maurice

Israel's Lebanon War

Ze'ev Schiff and Ehud Ya'ari

  • Schiff, Ze'ev

Der alte Libanon

  • Bernhardt, Karl Heinz

Amal and the Shiʻa

struggle for the soul of Lebanon

  • Norton, Augustus Richard

Inventing Lebanon

nationalism and the State under the Mandate

  • Firro, Kais M.

The claims of culture at empire's end

Syria and Lebanon under French rule / Jennifer M. Dueck.

  • Dueck, Jennifer Marie 1976-

34 days

Israel, Hezbollah, and the war in Lebanon

  • Harel, Amos

The struggle for Lebanon

a modern history of Lebanese-Egyptian relations

  • Kalawoun, Nasser Mounif


dalla crisi alla pax siriana : una complessa pedina sullo scacchiere mediorientale

  • Rulli, Giovanni

Come uno Stato

Hizbullah e la mimesi strategica

  • Calculli, Marina


a history of conflict and consensus

Le conflit intraetatique au Liban

problemes de maintien de la paix

  • Boustany, Katia

Violence and diplomacy in Lebanon

the troubled years : 1982-1988

  • Salem, Elie A.

Civil war in Lebanon


  • OʼBallance, Edgar

Risultati 1-20 di 101