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Risultati 1-20 di 50

Celtic literatures


  • Heinz, Sabine

Early celtic versecraft

origin, development, diffusion

  • Travis, James

Les Mabinogion du Livre rouge de Hergest

avec les variantes du Livre blanc de Rhydderch

Comhdháil Idirnáisúinta an Léinn Cheiltigh

proceedings of the international congress of celtic studies held in Dublin, 6-10 July 1959

  • International congress of Celtic studies 1. Dublin 1959

Aspects of Celticity

proceedings of the Symposium Expressions of celticity through the ages, Jyväskylä, November 28-30, 1997

  • Expressions of celticity through the ages Jyväskylä 1997

Cín Chille Cúile

texts, saints and places : essays in honour of Pádraig Ó Riain

The Celtic heroic age

literary sources for ancient Celtic Europe and early Ireland and Wales

A Celtic miscellany [+]

translations from the Celtic literartures

Risultati 1-20 di 50