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Risultati 40-60 di 97

The Gods rich in praise

early Greek and Mesopotamian religious poetry

  • Metcalf, Christopher

Male and female in the epic of Gilgamesh

encounters, literary history and interpretation

  • Abusch, Tzvi

Myths from Mesopotamia

creation, the flood, Gilgamesh, and others

Before the muses

an anthology of Akkadian literature

Die Kunst des Betens

Form und Funktion, Theologie und Psychagogik in babylonisch-assyrischen Handerhebungsgebeten zu Istar

  • Zgoll, Annette

From distant days

myths, tales, and poetry in ancient Mesopotamia

Legends of the Kings of Akkade

the texts

  • Goodnick Westenholz, Joan

Briefwechsel zwischen Wagner und Liszt $a Zweiter Teil

von Jahre 1854 bis zum Jahre 1882

  • Wagner, Richard<1813-1883>

Uomini e dèi della Mesopotamia

alle origini della mitologia

  • Bottéro, Jean

L'epopea di Gilgamèsh [+]

versione lirica parafrasata

La saga di Gilgamesh

  • Pettimato, Giovanni

The epic of Gilgamesh

an english version

  • Gilgamesh