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Risultati 20-40 di 96

Die Suparnasage

Untersuchungen zur altindischen Literatur und Sagengeschichte

  • Charpentier, Jarl

The second, third an fourth books of the Hitopadesa

containing the Sanskrit text, with interlinear transliteration

  • Narayana Gargya


love songs of Radha and Krsna

  • Jayadēva

A history of ancient sanskrit literature [+]

so far as it illustrates the primitive religion of the brahmans

  • Müller, Friedrich Max 1823-1900

Proceedings of the Meeting of the Italian association of Sanskrit studies

Bologna 27-28 March 2015

  • Associazione italiana di studi sanscriti

The classical moment

views from seven literatures

Il Ramayana

raccontato da

  • Kamban

L'universo di Kāma

testi d'amore dell'antica India


o Colui che ci esaudisce