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Risultati 40-60 di 1381

Etudes sur Bertrand de Born

sa vie, ses oeuvres et son siècle

  • Boysson, Richard de

El preludi

  • Marí, Antoni

Il trovatore Uc Brunenc

edizione critica con commento, glossario e rimario

  • UC Brunenc


  • Urpinell, Lluís

The chansons of the troubadours and trouvères

a study of the melodies and their relations to the poems

  • Werf, Hendrik van der

The romance of Flamenca

a Provencal poem of the thirteenth century

La versione occitana dello Pseudo Turpino

ms. Londra B. M. additional 17920


poème sur Boèce (fragment) : le plus ancien texte littéraire occitan