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Risultati 60-80 di 4463

Tsimshian mythology

based on texts recorded by Henry W. Tate

  • Boas, Franz

Il maggio drammatico nel Sangiulianese e nel Pisano durante il XIX secolo

mostra sul teatro popolare ...

  • Franceschini, Fabrizio

The theory of oral composition

history and methodology

  • Foley, John Miles


mythes et traditions

Proverbia in fabula

essay on the relationship of the proverb and the fable

Oral poetry

its nature, significance and social context

  • Finnegan, Ruth

Morphologie du conte ; suivi de, Les transformations des contes merveilleux

L'étude structurale et typologique du conte

  • Propp, Vladimir Jakovlevic

Das mündliche Epos

eine Einführung in die "Oral Poetry"-Forschung

  • Haymes, Edward R.


letterature di massa e di consumo