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Risultati 120-140 di 700

The scurra

  • Corbett, Philip

The empire of the self [+]

self-command and political speech in Seneca and Petronius

  • Star, Christopher

Medieval literature and antiquities

studies in honour of Basil Cottle

Letteratura e civitas [+]

transizioni dalla Repubblica all'Impero : in ricordo di Emanuele Narducci

Signa culturae [+]

saggi di antropologia e letteratura latina

  • Lentano, Mario

Der elegische Esel

Apuleiusʼ Metamorphosen und Ovids Ars amatoria

  • Hindermann, Judith

Letteratura latina e ideologia del 3.-2. a. C. [+]

disegno storico-sociologico da Appio Claudio Cieco a Pacuvio

  • Flores, Enrico 1936-

Vom Geist des Romertums [+]

Ausgewahlte Aufsatze

  • Heinze, Richard

Scienza e poesia in Roma

Varrone e Virgilio

  • Salvatore, Armando 1922-

Love & Latin literature [+]

amor:roma : eleven essays and one poem by former research students presented to E. J. Kenney on his seventy-fifth birthday

La letteratura tardolatina [+]

un profilo storico (secoli 3.-7. d. C.)

  • Gasti, Fabio

Texts, editors, and readers [+]

methods and problems in Latin textual criticism

  • Tarrant, R. J.

5: Restauration und Erneuerung

die lateinische Literatur von 284 bis 374 n. Chr.