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Risultati 20-40 di 877

History of 16-18th century english literarar theory and criticism

metodiski noradijumi un originalteksti

  • Ivbulis, Sastaditajs V.

Some versions of pastoral

a study of pastoral form in literature

  • Empson, William 1906-1984

Philosophical approaches to literature

new essays on nineteenth- and twentieth-century texts

Le romantisme Anglo-Americain

melanges offerts à Louis Bonnerot

Transcultural English studies

theories, fictions, realities

On modern literature

lectures and addresses

  • Ker, William Paton

The literature of England, A.D. 500-1960

a survey of British literature from the beginnings to the present day

  • Entwistle, William J.

A history of English literature

from earliest times to 1916

  • Compton-Rickett, Arthur

Snow on the saltbush

the Australian literary experience

  • Dutton, Geoffrey


itinerari per Marcello Pagnini