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Risultati 20-40 di 90

Le elegie anglosassoni

voci e volti della sofferenza

  • Cammarota, Maria Grazia

English manuscripts in the century after the Norman conquest

the Lyell lectures 1952-1953

  • Ker, Neil Ripley

English and international

studies in the literature, art and patronage of medieval England

  • Salter, Elizabeth 1925-1980

The lady in the tower

medieval courtesy literature for women

  • Bornstein, Diane

Hochon's arrow

the social imagination of fourteenth century texts

  • Strohm, Paul

Early middle English literature

  • Wilson, Richard Middlewood 1908-

The lost literature of medieval England

  • Wilson, Richard Middlewood 1908-

Literature and pulpit in medieval England

a neglected chapter in the history of English letters & of the English people

  • Owst, Gerald Robert 1894-

Le manuel des péchés

étude de littérature religieuse anglo-normande (13. siècle)

  • Arnould, Émile Jules

Des mots à la parole

una lecture de la Poetria nova de Geoffroy de Vinsauf

  • TillietteJean-Yves

Studies in medieval literature

a memorial collection of essays

  • Loomis, Roger Sherman