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Risultati 40-60 di 4496

Teatro 1

  • Churchill, Caryl

Mercier e Camier

  • Beckett, Samuel


  • Shakespeare, William

The brass butterfly

a play

  • Golding, William 1911-1993

Shakespeare's history plays

Richard II to Henry V : the making of a king

  • Moseley, Charles William Reuben Dutton


Shakespeare's 'lost play' re-imagined

  • Shakespeare, William

London assurance

a comedy in five acts (1910) : acting version of the Yale University Dramatic Association

  • Boucicault, Dion

Regicide and restoration

English tragicomedy, 1660-1671

  • Maguire, Nancy Klein

Shakespeare and tyranny

regimes of reading in Europe and beyond

The merchant of Venice

new critical essays