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Risultati 1-20 di 1325


Revue internationale de critique génétique


doctrines archéologie, beaux-arts, ethnographie

Image music text

  • Barthes, Roland

Mikhail Bakhtine

le principe dialogique : suivi de, Écrits du cercle de Bakhtine

  • Todorov, Tzvetan


Theorie und Praxis

Philologie und Kritik

Forschungen und Aufsätze

  • Santoli, Vittorio

A Ricouer Reader

Reflection and Imagination

Foucault and Literature

Towards a Genealogy of Writing

  • During, Simon

After Poststructuralism

Interdisciplinary and Literarty Theory

Studies in Verbal Art

texts in Czech and Slovak

  • Jakobson, Roman

Beginning theory [+]

an introduction to literary and cultural theory

  • Barry, Peter

La voce dello storico

a proposito di un genere letterario

  • Scarano Lugnani, Emanuella

La raison baroque

de Baudelaire à Benjamin

  • Buci-Glucksmann, Christine

The concept of criticism

an essay

  • Sparshott, Francis Edward

Génétique des textes

  • Biasi, Pierre-Marc de

Risultati 1-20 di 1325