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Risultati 180-200 di 2877

Paradise outlaws

remembering the beats

  • Tytell, John

Reading the West

new essays on the literature of the American West

Sezione francofona

  • Associazione italiana di studi canadesi

A coat of many colors

scritti di letteratura angloamericana

  • Biagiotti, Cinzia

I puritani

  • Tedeschini-Lalli, Biancamaria

Birth of which nation?

America' s self-images, 1865-1929 : atti del nono convegno biennale, Università di Perugia, 11-13 Novembre

  • Associazione Italiana di studi nord-americani

Italy and Canadian culture

nationalism in the new millennium : nazionalismi del nuovo millennio

Manifest manners

narratives on postindian survivance

  • Vizenor, Gerald Robert

The daybreak boys

essays on the literature of the Beat generation

  • Stephenson, Gregory

Psychologycal Politics of the American Dream

the Commodification of Subjectivity in Twentieth-Century American Literature

  • Lyson, Lois

Blues, ideology, and Afro-American literature

a vernacular theory

  • Baker, Houston A.