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Risultati 220-240 di 506


eine Einführung für Ingenieure

  • Dracos, Themistocles

Surface and subsurface hydrology

proceedings of the Fort Collins third international hydrology symposium, on theoretical and applied hydrology held at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, July 27-29, 1977

  • International hydrology symposium 3. Fort Collins 1977

Praktische Arbeit in der Hydrographie

25 Jahre im Dienste der Hydrographischen Landesabteilung Steiermark

  • Kreps, Harald

Application of results from representative and experimental basins

a contribution to the International Hydrological Programme

I.A.H.R. Symposium on River, coastal and estuarine morphodynamics

proceedings, September 6-10 1999, Genova, Italy

  • I.A.H.R. Symposium on river coastal and estuarine morphodynamics Genova 1999

Hydrological forecasting symposium

proceedings of the Oxford symposium, 15-18 April 1980

  • Symposium on hydrological forecasting Oxford 1980

Hydrocomp' 92

International conference of computational methods and measurements in hydraulics and hydrology : [Budapest, 25-29 maggio 1992]

  • Hydrocomp Budapest 1992

Computational methods in surface hydrology

proceedings of the Eighth international conference on computational methods in water resources, held in Venice, Italy, June 11-15 1990

  • International conference on computational methods in water resources 8. Venezia 1990

Hydrological forecasting

design and operation of hydrological forecasting systems

  • Nemec, Jaromir

Hydroecology and ecohydrology

past, present and future

Hydrology [+]

an introduction

  • Brutsaert, Wilfried