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Risultati 20-40 di 199

James Joyces early fiction

the biography of a form

  • Brown, Homer Obed

A portrait of the artist as a young man

voices of the text

  • Harkness, Marguerite

James Joyce

the years of growth, 1882-1915 : a biography

  • Costello, Peter

James Joyce [+]

  • Innes, Michael

E' tornato Joyce

Iconografia triestina per Zois

  • Chersicla, Bruno

The art of James Joyce

method and design in Ulysses and Finnegans wake

  • Litz, A. Walton

Questioni biografiche [+]

le tante vite di Yeats e Joyce

  • McCourt, John

Il ritorno di Joyce

atti delle giornate celebrative

Epicleti ed epifanie [+]

la narrativa giovanile di Joyce

  • Gozzi, Francesco

James Joyce [+]

itinerari triestini

  • Crivelli, Renzo S.