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Risultati 60-80 di 85

Il gusto di Henry James

  • Arnett Melchiori, Barbara


Henry James e la capitale del moderno

  • Patey, Caroline

Lettere a Miss Allen


  • James, Henry, 1843-1916

Quella rara intensità

Henry James tra narrativa e teatro

  • Vallone, Mirella


  • Castiglioni, Giulio

The Sweetest impression of life [+]

the James family and Italy

Henry James and the dramatic analogy

a study of the major novels of the middle period

  • Wiesenfarth, Joseph

Henry James

the lessons of the master : popular fiction and personal style in the ninteenth century

  • Veeder, William

The themes of Henry James [+]

a system of observation through the visual arts

  • Bowden, Edwin T.

The pop world of Henry James

from fairy tales to science fiction

  • Tintner, Adeline R.

The insecure world of Henry James's fiction

intensity and ambiguity

  • Norrman, Ralf