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Risultati 100-120 di 592

Civilizational dialogue and world order

the other politics of cultures, religions, and civilizations in international relations

Les symboles divinatoires

analyse socio-culturelle d'une technique de divination des cokwe de l'Angola: (Ngombo ya cisuka)

  • Rodrigues de Areia, M. L.

La tradizione religiosa

saggio storico-sociologico

  • Prandi, Carlo

Europa laica e puzzle religioso

dieci risposte su quel che tiene insieme l'Unione

Le fait religieux dans le monde d'aujourd'hui

essai géographique

  • Dubois, Stéphane

Religioni e crisi sociale

Oriente e Occidente d'Europa a confronto

The brainwashing deprogramming controversy

sociological, psychological, legal and historical perspectives

Identità europea e diversità religiosa nel mutamento contemporaneo

atti della prima International summer school on religions in Europe, 28 agosto-10 settembre 1994 = European identity and religious diversities in the contemporary changes : Proceedings of the 1st International summer school on religions in Europe, August 28th-September 10th 1994

Ecstatic religion

a study of shamanism and spirit possession

  • Lewis, Ioan Myrddin

Symbol and theory

a philosophical study of theories of religion in social anthropology

  • Skorupski, John

Cults, converts and charisma

sociology of new religious movements

  • Robbins, Thomas

Die Säkularisierung der universalhistorischen Auffassung

zum Wandel des Geschichtsdenkens im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert

  • Klempt, Adalbert

Religion und Gesellschaft

Studien zu ihrer Wechselbeziehung in den Kulturen des Antiken Vorderen Orients : Veröffentlichungen des Arbeitskreises zur Erforschung der Religions- und Kulturgeschichte des Antiken Vorderen Orients, AZERKAVO

Risultati 100-120 di 592