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Risultati 80-100 di 474

Ungleiche Freundschaft

Klientelbeziehungen von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart

  • Mączak, Antoni

Storia delle istituzioni politiche

dall'antico regime all'era globale

Oltre le sabbie immobili

dalla democrazia dei misteri al potere partecipato ed efficiente

  • Ferrarotti, Franco

Histoire des institutions publiques de la France

des origines franquesà la Révolution

  • Mathieu, Martial

Power and culture

hegemony, interaction and dissent

A theory of political obligation

membership, commitment, and the bonds of society

  • Gilbert, Margaret

Justice and Memory

confronting traumatic pasts : an international comparison

Science politique

éléments de sociologie politique

  • Chagnollaud, Dominique