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Risultati 1-20 di 284


  • Klatzmann, Joseph

The new Israel atlas

Bible to present day

  • Vilnay, Zev

Une formule dans la guerre des mots

"la délégitimation d'Israël"

  • Amossy, Ruth

The royal dynasties in ancient Israel

a study on the formation and development of royal-dynastic ideology

  • Ishida, Tomoo

Israel at 50

a journalist's perspective

  • Hohenberg, John

The sword and the olive

a critical history of the Israeli defence force

  • Van Creveld, Martin

The Palestinian economy

studies in development under prolonged occupation

The Israeli-Syrian peace talks

1991-96 and beyond

  • Cobban, Helena

A history of Israel

from the rise of zionism to our time

  • Sachar, Howard Morley

Israel's foreign policy towards the PLO

the impact of globalization

  • Aran, Amnon

Gerusalemme e dintorni

per una teologia cristiana della Terra di Israele

  • Fontana, Raniero

Israel's death hierarchy

casualty aversion in a militarized democracy

  • Levy, Yagil


a history

  • Shapira, Anita

Risultati 1-20 di 284