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Risultati 40-60 di 218

Le profondità del cuore

trattato sufi : bayān al-farq bayna al-ṣadr wa-'l-qalb wa'l-fu'ād wa'l-lubb

  • al-Tirmiḏī, Muḥammad ibn 'Ali al-Ḥakīm 820?-936?


a new history of Islamic mysticism

  • Knysh, Alexander D.

Il sufismo nelle parole degli antichi

  • al-Kalābāḏī, Muhammad b. Ishāq ...-995

Mistica islamica

caratteristiche e orientamenti, esperienze e tecniche

  • Qanawātī, Ǧūrǧ Šiḥātaẗ

Islamic mysticism contested

Thirteen centuries of controversies and polemics

The sufis [+]

  • Shah, Idries

Sufism and bhakti

a comparative study

  • Islam, Md. Sirajul

Sufismo e confraternite nell'islam contemporaneo

il difficile equilibrio tra mistica e politica

Among the Dervishes [+]

an account of travels in Asia and Africa, and four years studyng the Dervishes, Sufis and Fakirs, by living among them

  • Burke, Omar Michael

Revelation of the secrets of the birds and flowers

  • Ibn Ġānim, Izz al-dīn ʻAbd al-Salām ibn Aḥmad al-Maqdisī

Les dits de Bistami

  • Abū Yazīd al-Bistāmī


the life & work of Rabiʻa and other women mystics in Islam

  • Smith, Margaret islamista

Al-Išārāt al-ilāhīyyah

  • al-Tawḥīdī, Abū Ḥayyān ʻAlī ibn Muḥammad


the essentials

  • Sedgwick, Mark J.