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Risultati 60-80 di 1865

La vie de Mahomed

  • Boulainvilliers, Henri de

Theologie und Gesellschaft im 2. und 3. Jahrhundert Hidschra

eine Geschichte des religiösen Denkens im frühen Islam

  • Ess, Josef van

The islamic call

  • Ata, Mohamed Moustafa

La rivoluzione musulmana ed i paesi afro-asiatici

(l'islamismo come sistema politico)

  • Iannettone, Giovanni

The transmission of the variant readings of the Qurʾàn

the problem of tawàtur and the emergence of shawadhdh

  • Nasser, Shady Hekmat


master of Quranic interpretation and theological reasoning

  • Jaffer, Tariq

Mystique musulmane [+]

aspects et tendences, expériences et techniques

  • Anawati, Georges Chehata

Ibn-Wadhih qui dicitur al-Ja'qubi Historiae

  • al-Ya'qubi, Aòhmad ibn Abi Ya'qub

Islam and rationality

the impact of al-Ghazali : papers collected on his 900th anniversary

L'elaborazione del sapere tra IX e XIV secolo

esperienze nel mondo arabo e nell'area italiana : atti del Seminario internazionale, Palermo 2-4 dicembre 1992 : experiences dans le monde arabe et italien : actes du Séminaire international

The commentary on the Qur'an

being an abridged translation of Jami' al-bayan 'an ta'wil ay al-Qur'an

  • al-Tabari, Abu Ga'far Muhammad ibn Garir

Geschichte des islamischen Kultus

Rechtshistorische und hadit-kritische Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung und Systematik der 'Ibadat. 1, Das ramadan Fasten

  • Lech, Klaus

Islam and cultural change in the Middle Ages

[4th Giorgio Levi Della Vida biennial conference, Los Angeles, May 11-13, 1973]

  • Giorgio Levi Della Vida biennial conference 4 Los Angeles 1973

Notes d'archéologie musulmane

6, Paléographie qor'ânique

  • Combe, Étienne

Jihadi culture

the art and social practices of militant Islamists