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Risultati 80-100 di 1092

Islam, popolo e Stato

idee e movimenti politici in Medio Oriente

  • Zubaida, Sami

Riforma islamica

diritti umani e libertà nell'Islam contemporaneo

  • an-Na'im, Abdullahi A.

The Borders of Islam

exploring huntington's faultlines, from Al-Andalus to the Virtual Ummah

Islam balcanico

  • Bega, Federico Maria

Islam’s predicament with modernity

religious reform and cultural change

  • Tibi, Bassam

Making Islam democratic

social movements and the post-islamist turn

  • Bayat, Asef

Islam and modernity

key issues and debates

Icon of evil

Hitlers Mufti and the rise of radical Islam

  • Dalin, David G.

Orientalism and Islam

European thinkers on Oriental despotism in the Middle East and India

  • Curtis, Michael

Lost in the Sacred

why the muslim world stood still

  • Diner, Dan

Global Salafism

Islam's new religious movement

In their own words

voices of Jihad

  • Aaron, David 1938-

Colonialism, modernity, and religious identities

religious reform movements in South Asia

Risultati 80-100 di 1092