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Risultati 1-20 di 67

UN peacekeeping in Lebanon, Somalia and Kosovo

operational and legal issues in practice

  • Murphy, Ray

A principled approach to state failure

international community actions in emergency situations

  • Giorgetti, Chiara

Stopping wars and making peace

studies in international intervention

Terrorism, war and international law

the legality of the use of force against Afganistan in 2001

  • Williamson, Myra

Le armi della Repubblica

forze armate, O.N.G. e industria nelle situazioni di post conflitto

Weltbürgerliches Völkerrecht

Kantianische Brücke zwischen konstitutioneller Souveränität und humanitärer Intervention

  • Lange-Bertalot, Nils

Protecting civilians

the obligations of peacekeepers

  • Wills, Siobhan

Justifying war?

from humanitarian intervention to counterterrorism

Le missioni delle forze armate italiane fuori area

profili giuridici della partecipazione nazionale alle peace support operations

  • De Guttry, Andrea

Risultati 1-20 di 67