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Risultati 420-440 di 1257

Flame wars

the discourse of cyberculture

La banca multicanale

dal phone all'internet banking : gli strumenti disponibili e quelli che verranno, i criteri per scegliere la nuova banca

  • Ferri, Katia


direct, database e internet marketing

  • Ziliani, Cristina


riciclaggio di capitali, finanziamento del terrorismo e crimine organizzato nell'era digitale

  • Mulinari, Simona

Recht des Internet

  • Kohler, Markus Rolf

Loyalty marketing for the internet age

how to identify, attract, serve, an retain customers in an e-commerce environment

  • Sindell, Kathleen

E-supply chain

using the internet to revolutionize your business : how market leaders focus their entire organization on driving value to customers

  • Poirier, Charles C.

E-finance e E-commerce

banche e nuovi competitors

  • Filotto, Umberto

Convegno Internet e la banca

servizi finanziari e trading on-line, Internet service providers, portali e servizi di sicurezza : Roma, 13-14 aprile 2000 /ABI

Conversation and community

chat in virtual world

  • Cherny, Lynn

Internationalizing the Internet

the coevolution of influence and technology

  • Kim, Byung-Keun

Das Ubiquitätsprinzip im Internet

wie weit reicht das deutsche Strafrecht?

  • Kappel, Jan

Recht und Internet

6. Deutsch-Schwedisches Juristentreffen vom 31. Marz bis 2. April 2000 in Lund

  • Deutsch-Schwedisches Juristentreffen 6. Lund 2000

Jurisdiction and the Internet

a study of regulatory competence over online activity

  • Kohl, Uta