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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 60-80 di 172

Fourth topical workshop on proton-antiproton collider physics

Berne, 5-8 March 1984

  • Topical workshop on proton-antiproton collider physics 4. Berne 1984

Proceedings of the IV international symposium on nucleon-antinucleon interactions, May 2-4, 1975

  • International symposium on nucleon-antinucleon interactions 4. Syracuse, New York 1975

Nuclear electrodynamics

  • Akhiezer, Aleksandr Il'ich

Storage ring physics

proceedings of the international colloquium of the C.N.R.S., Flaine, Haute-Savoie (France), February 22-28, 1976

  • International colloquium of the centre national de la recherche scientifique Flaine-Haute-Savoie (France) 1976

Proceedings of the 1977 International symposium on lepton and photon interactions at high energies

Congress Centrum Hamburg, August 25-31, 1977

  • International symposium on lepton and photon interactions at high energies 8. Hamburg 1977

Proceedings of the international school of physics "Enrico Fermi"

course 81 : theory of fundamental interactions : Varenna on lake Como,Villa Monastero, 21st July-2nd August 1980

  • International school of physics "Enrico Fermi"

Nuclear forces.

Vol. 1

  • Rosenfeld, L.

Nuclear interactions

  • De Benedetti, Sergio

5th topical workshop on proton-antiproton collider physics

Saint-Vincent, Aosta Valley, 25 February-1 March 1985

  • Topical workshop on proton-antiproton collider physics 5. Saint-Vincent, Aosta Valley, Italy 1985


essays in theoretical physics dedicated to Gregor Wentzel

Unification of fundamental interactions

proceedings of Nobel symposium 67, Marstrand, Sweden, June 2-7, 1986

  • Nobel symposium 67. Marstrand 1986