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Risultati 1-20 di 70

Telefonare in diverse lingue

organizzazione sequenziale, routine e rituali in telefonate di servizio, di emergenza e fàtiche

Conversation analysis

the sociology of talk

  • Allen, Donald E.

Conversational narrative [+]

storytelling in everyday talk

  • Norrick, Neal R.

Lectures on Conversation

volumes I & II

  • Sacks, Harvey

Conversation analysis

principles, practices and applications

  • Hutchby, Ian

Doing conversation analysis

a pratical guide

  • Have, Paul ten

That's not what I meant!

how conversational style makes or breaks your relations with others

  • Tannen, Deborah

Television dialogue

the sitcom Friends vs. natural conversation

  • Quaglio, Paulo

What's going on here

complimentary studies of professional talk

  • Grimshaw, Allen D.

The interactional architecture of the language classroom

a conversation analysis perspective

  • Seedhouse, Paul

La communication orale

aux concours et aux examens, dans la vie professionnelle

  • Charles, René

Situated order

studies in the social organization of talk and embodied activities 1995

Famiglie all'italiana

parlare a tavola

  • Pontecorvo, Clotilde

Rhétorique de la conversation

sa dimension littéraire et linguistique dans la société française du XVIIe siècle

  • Strosetzki, Christoph

Talk at work

interaction in istitutional settings

Risultati 1-20 di 70