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Risultati 180-200 di 6955

Difference and pathology

stereotypes of sexuality, race, and madness

  • Gilman, Sander L.


Methods, Concepts and Case Studies in Popular Fiction

  • Palmer, Jerry

Need analysis

tools for the human services and education

  • McKillip, Jack

Die Telearena

Literatur- und sprachwissenschaftliche Aspekte einer Fernsehreihe

  • Burger, Harald

Classical individualism

the supreme importance of each human being

  • Machan, Tibor R.

Managing knowledge

perspectives on cooperation and competition

Una e divisibile

la Rai e i partiti negli anni del monopolio pubblico (1954-1975)

  • Guazzaloca, Giulia

Die friedfertige Frau

eine psychoanalytische Untersuchung zur Aggression der Geschlechter

  • Mitscherlich, Margarete

Lo squalo e il grattacielo

miti e fantasmi dell'immaginario americano

  • Dragosei, Francesco

Comunicador: quién es tu prójimo?

comunicación y valores : tercer congreso de comunicadores, Buenos Aires, 10 al 13 octubre de 2002

Un mondo a spirale

riflessioni a partire da Michel Maffesoli

  • D'Andrea, Fabio

Politics, economics and welfare

an elementary introduction to social choice

  • Bonner, John