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Risultati 1-18 di 18

Social insects

ecology and behavioural biology

  • Brian, Michael Vaughan

Il superorganismo

bellezza, eleganza e stranezza delle società degli insetti

  • Hölldobler, Bert

Social insects

an indian perspective : Proceedings of the first National symposium on social insects: 7th and 8th October 1987 Bangalore, India

  • National symposium on social insects 1. Bangalore 1987

Organization of insect societies

from genome to sociocomplexity

The superorganism

the beauty, elegance, and strangeness of insect societies

  • Hölldobler, Bert

Insect sounds and communication

physiology, behaviour, ecology and evolution

Social insects and the environment

proceedings of the 11. international congress of IUSSI, International union for the study of social insects, 1990

  • Union internationale pour l'étude des insectes sociaux

Risultati 1-18 di 18