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Risultati 380-400 di 1336

Les ravageurs des verges et des vignes

histoire naturelle, moeurs, dégats : moyens de les combattre suivis d'une étude sur le phylloxera

  • La Blanchère, Henri Marie Pierre René Moullin de 1821-1880

Edible insects in the food Sector

methods, current applications and perspectives

The bee genera of north and central America

(hymenoptera: apoidea)

  • Michener, Charles D.

The house-flay

its life-history importance as a disease carrier and practical measures for its suppression

  • Austen, Ernest Edward

Cytogenetics and genetics of vectors

proceedings of a symposium of the 16. International Congress of Entomology

The protura

a revision of the species of the world with keys for determination

  • Tuxen, Søren Ludvig


  • Tuxen, Søren Ludvig

Insect transgenesis

methods and applications

Monografia delle cocciniglie italiane

opera postuma

  • Leonardi, Gustavo