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Risultati 1-20 di 26

Fuels and new propellants

proceedings of the conference held in Milan by Federazione associazioni scientifiche e tecniche and sponsored by Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche

Combustibili e propellenti nuovi

atti del convegno svoltosi a Milano a cura della Federazione Associazioni Scientifiche e Tecniche col patrocinio del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

The institute of energy's first international conference on combustion & emissions control

proceedings of the Institute of energy conference held in Cardiff, UK, on 21-22 September 1993

  • International conference on combustion & emissions control 1 Cardiff 1993

Seminario sulla formazione degli inquinanti nella fiamma

atti del seminario tenuto a Pisa il 29 marzo 1972

  • Seminario sulla formazione degli inquinanti nella fiamma Pisa 1972

Combustion Istitute European Symposium 1973

papers for presentation at the symposium held at the University of Sheffield, 16th-21st September, 1973

  • Combustion Institute

Turbulence and combustion

  • Kuznetsov, Vadim Rostislavovich

Fuels and fuel technology

a summarized manual in two volumes

  • Francis, Wilfrid

Combustion technology

some modern developments

An introduction to combustion [+]

concepts and applications

  • Turns, Stephen R.

Principles of combustion

  • Kuo, Kenneth Kuan-yun

Combustion [+]

  • Glassman, Irvin

Risultati 1-20 di 26