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Risultati 1-20 di 260

Elementi di tecnica e tecnologia delle strutture

progetto di strutture a traliccio, fondamenti di ingegneria sismica

  • Giresini, Linda

Third international conference on space structures

[proceedings of the third international conference on space structures held at the University of Surrey, Guildford, UK 11-14 September 1984]

  • International conference on space structures 3. Guilford 1984

Architettura pratica [+]


  • Lenti, Achille


  • International association for bridge and structural engineering (IABSE)

Appendice all'arte di fabbricare

Volume terzo

  • Curioni, Giovanni

Fabrication et controle des chaux hydrauliques et des ciments

théorie et pratique : influences réciproques ... : énergie, thermodynamique, thermochimie

  • Bonnami, Henry

Digital earth moving

first international symposium, DEM 2001, Manno, Switzerland, September 5-7, 2001 : proceedings

  • International symposium on digital earth moving 1st Manno, Switzerland 2001


structural systems for the future

  • Motro, René

Risultati 1-20 di 260