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Risultati 620-640 di 2040

Groundwater seminar Granada

report of the FAO/UNDP - government of Spain seminar on the role of groundwater in the optimal utilization of hydraulic resources : Granada, Spain, 18-23 October 1971

River, coastal and shoreline protection

erosion control using riprap and armourstone

Arid land irrigation in developing countries

environmental problems and effects : based on the International Symposium, 16-21 february 1976, Alexandria

Man's influence on the hydrological cycle

a draft report of the Unesco/FAO working group on the international hydrological decade

  • UNESCO/FAOworking group on the international hydrological decade

Third congress on large dams

transactions : compte rendu : Stockholm, Juin 1948

  • World power conferenceInternational commission on large dams 3. Stoccolma 1948


Nederlandsch-belgische commissie ingesteld tot onderzoek van de kanalisatie van de gemeenschappelijke Maas : Rapport betreffende de Werkzaamheden van de Commissie

La sistemazione dei corsi d'acqua naturali

atti del corso di aggiornamento, Programma di Istruzione Permanente, Politecnico di Milano 9-13 ottobre 1995

Idraulica e analisi numerica

teoria e programmi applicativi

  • Peruginelli, Alessandro

History of tile drainage

in America prior to 1900

  • Weaver, Marion M.

La bonifica integrale in atto

vademecum del bonificatore

  • Frattini, Alfredo