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Risultati 1-8 di 8

Chimica e ingegneria dei nuovi materiali

atti dell'8. congresso nazionale, Trento 8-10 ottobre 1986

Superplastic forming

proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the Los Angeles Chapter of the American society for metals, Los Angeles, Californis, march 22, 1984

Sustainable materials

without the hot air

  • Allwood, Julian M.


copper tomorrow. Technology, products, research. Barga (lucca), Italy, september 10-12, 1986. Conference proceedings

Second european conference on smart structures and materials

held at the Glasgow, Scotland, 12-14 October 1994

Scienza dei materiali

i materiali nella società moderna

  • Colombo, Umberto <1927-2006>

Risultati 1-8 di 8