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Risultati 780-800 di 2577

Luigi Giura 1795-1864

ingegnere e architetto dell'Ottocento

  • Parisi, Roberto

Proceedings of the seventh world conference on earthquake engineering

September 8-13, 1980 Istanbul, Turkey

  • World Conference on earthquake engineering 7. Istanbul, Turkey 1980

The shard

London bridge tower

  • Piano, Renzo

Proceedings of the symposium on the failure and defects of bridges and structures

[held on September 5th, 1957

  • Symposium on the failure and defects of bridges and structures Tokio 1957

Proceedings of the seventh congress of the Fédération internationale de la précontrainte

New York 26 May-1 June 1974

  • Fédération internationale de la précontrainte

Dynamic response of structures

proceedings of a symposium held at Stanford University, California, June 28 and 29, 1971

Proceedings of the ninth congress of the Fédération internationale de la précontrainte

Stockholm, 6-10 June 1982

  • Fédération internationale de la précontrainte

Il solaio alveolare

progettazione e impieghi : manuale ASSAP