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Risultati 160-180 di 3835

Ein interessanter Verstellpropeller

(Patent von Pistolesi)

  • S.I.A.I., Società Idrovolanti Alta Italia Sesto Calende

Control system synthesis

a factorization approach

  • Vidyasagar, Mathukumalli

Optimal control

  • Alekseev, Vladimir Mikhailovich

Aeronautical technologies for the twenty-first century

  • National research councilCommittee on aeronautical technologies

Radiation energy conversion in space

technical papers prepared for the Third NASA Conference on Radiation Energy Conversion at NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California, January 26-28, 1978


  • Lisini, Giovan Gualberto

Progress with human factors in automotive design

seating comfort, visibility, and safety

Adaptive control

stability, convergence, and robustness

  • Sastry, Shankar

Modeling and control of systems in engineering, quantum mechanics, economics and biosciences

proceedings of the Bellman continuum workshop 1988, June 13-14, Sophia Antipolis, France

  • Bellman continuum workshop 3. Sophia Antipolis 1988

Oil-immersed brakes and clutches

conference sponsored by the automobile division and The tribology group of the Institution of mechanical engineers : London 15 March 1977

Tune to win

[the art and science of race car development and tunning]

  • Smith, Carroll