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Risultati 820-840 di 3835

Optimal estimation

with an introduction to stochastic control theory

  • Lewis, Frank L.

Mécanique de l'aviation

application des méthodes de la mécanique rationnelle a l'étude du vol et de la construction des avions

  • Alayrac, Antoine Charles

Advances in space science.

Vol. 2

  • Ordway, F. I. III

Apollo 8, Aufbruch ins All

der Report der ersten Mondumkreisung

  • Puttkamer, Jesco von

Aircraft system identification

theory and practice

  • Klein, Vladislav

Automatic control

World congress, 1987 : selected papers from the 10th triennial world congress of the International federation of automatic control, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany, 27-31 July 1987

  • International federation of automatic control 10. Monaco, Germania 1987


  • Perotto, Pier Giorgio

La mécanique du vol

performances des avions et des engins

  • George, Louis

Comandi pneumatici

introduzione ai principi fondamentali

  • Deppert, Werner

Astronautical research 1972

proceedings of the 23rd congress of the international astronautical federation, Vienna, 8-15 october, 1972

  • International astronautical federation