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Risultati 380-400 di 3835

Utility vehicle design handbook

  • Society of automotive engineers

Aircraft noise

  • Smith, Michael J.T.

Proceedings of the ninth International Symposium on space technology and science, Tokyo, 1971

  • International Symposium on space technology and science 9. Tokyo 1971

Modern inertial technology

navigation, guidance and control

  • Lawrence, Anthony 1935-

Das große bunte Buch vom Fliegen

aus der Geschichte der Luftfahrt von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart

  • Lewellen, John

Ionization in high-temperature gases

a selection of technical papers based mainly on the American rocket society conference on ions in flames and rocket exhausts held at Palm Springs, California, October 10-12, 1962

Loop transfer recovery

analysis and design

  • Saberi, Ali

Applied digital control

theory, design and implementation

  • Leigh, James R.