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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 420-440 di 3363

La gestione grandi progetti di ingegneria

manuale ragionato teorico e pratico-comparativo

  • Clemente, Francesco

Modal testing [+]

theory and practice

  • Ewins, D.J.


  • Timoshenko, Stepan Prokopovic

Applied mechanics

a modern approach

  • Sayer, Frank P.

Proceedings of the 9. international conference on engineering computational technology

[Naples, Italy 2-5 September 2014]

  • International conference on engineering computational technology 9. Napoli 2014

Viscosity testing of asphalt and experience with viscosity graded specifications

a symposium presented at the Seventy-fifth Annual Meeting American Society for Testing and Materials, Los Angeles, 25-30 June 1972

Bituminous materials in road construction

  • Department of scientific and industrial reserchroad research laboratory

Random vibration

status and recent developments : the Stephen Harry Crandall Festschrift