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Risultati 1-20 di 76

L'industria del petrolio

  • Università di PisaIstituto di chimica industriale ed applicata

Technical publications


  • BeckerArman E.

La via italiana al petrolio

l' ENI di Enrico Mattei in Iran (1951-1958)

  • Tremolada, Ilaria

International energy investment law

the pursuit of stability

  • Cameron, Peter D.

L' industria petrolifera in Emilia tra Otto e Novecento

con in appendice lo studio di E. Camerana e B. Galdi "I giacimenti petroleiferi dell'Emilia" (Bologna, 1911)

  • Macini, Paolo

Saudi Aramco and its world

Arabia and the Middle East : a revised edition of Aramco and its world, 1981

Oil policies, oil myths

analysis and memoir of an OPEC insider

  • Chalabi, Fadhil


the oil counter-revolution of the 1980s

Il sogno proibito

Mattei, il petrolio arabo e le sette sorelle

  • Tonini, Alberto

A century of war

Anglo-American oil politics and the new world order

  • Engdahl, William

The prize

the epic quest for oil, money and power

  • Yergin, Daniel

Oil baron of the southwest

Edward L. Doheny and the development of the petroleum industry in California and Mexico

  • Ansell, Martin R.

Oil and politics

the domestic roots of US expansion in the Middle East

  • Kokxhoorn, Nicoline

Crude power

politics and the oil market

  • Noreng, Oystein

L'industria italiana della raffinazione

dinamiche tecnologiche, ambientali e di mercato

Risultati 1-20 di 76