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Risultati 1-20 di 35

Kesava and other forms

in Kannada, Telugu, Hindi, and English

Die vedischen Zwillingsgötter

Untersuchungen zur Genese ihres Kultes

  • Zeller, Gabriele

Gods of flesh, gods of stone

the embodiment of divinity in India

Offenbarung, geistige Realität des Menschen

Arbeitsdokumentation eines Symposiums zum Offenbarungsbegriff in Indien

Hindu goddesses [+]

visions of the divine feminine in the Hindu religious tradition

  • Kinsley, David R.

Indra and other Vedic deities

a euhemeristic study

  • Chakraboty, Uma

Krishna, the butter thief

  • Hawley, John Stratton

The Vedic mythology

  • Macdonell, Arthur Anthony

Vrtra et Vrthragna

étude de mythologie indo-iranienne

  • Benveniste, Émile

Brhaspati und Indra

Untersuchungen zur vedischen Mythologie und Kulturgeschichte

  • Schmidt, Hanns-Peter

Risultati 1-20 di 35