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Risultati 100-120 di 637


Spaniards and their savages in the age of enlightenment

  • Weber, David Joseph

The ecological Indian

myth and history

  • Krech, Shepard

O povo das águas

ensaios de etno-historia amazonica

  • Porro, Antonio etnologo

The name of war

King Philips war and the origins of American identity

  • Lepore, Jill

Aboriginal peoples

toward self-government

Mixedblood messages

literature, film, family, place

  • Owens, Louis


ethnic politics in Brazil

  • Ramos, Alcida Rita

Native vote

american indians, the voting rights act, and the right to vote

  • McCool, Daniel

Bitter feast

Amerindians and Europeans in Northeastern North America, 1600-64

  • Delâge, Denys

Indian population decline

the missions of northwestern New Spain, 1687-1840

  • Jackson, Robert Howard

Of mixed blood

kinship and history in Peruvian Amazonia

  • Gow, Peter

Las paradojas del Peru oficial

indigenismo, democracia y crisis estructural : indigenismo, democracia y crisis estructural

  • Ossio Acuña, Juan

Unruly order

violence, power, and cultural identity in the high provinces of southern Peru

  • Poole, Deborah

Risultati 100-120 di 637