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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 80-100 di 213

Perception, opportunity, and profit

studies in the theory of entrepreneurship

  • Kirzner, Israel M.

I nuovi imprenditori

venti storie di aziende innovative

Participation in public policy-making

the role of trade unions and employers' associations

I signori di Internet

la via italiana alla new economy

  • Mazzuca, Giancarlo

Entrepreneurship and organization

the role of the entrepreneur in organizational innovation

Createurs, créations d'entreprises [+]

de la Révolution industrielle à nos jours

Le patronat du Nord sous le second Empire

une approche prosopographique

  • Barbier, Frédéric 1952-

Publicans and sinners

private enterprise in the service of the Roman Republic

  • Badian, Ernst


from opportunity to action

  • Rae, David

International entrepreneurship

theoretical foundations and practices

  • Zucchella, Antonella

The evolution of regional economies

entrepreneurship and macroeconomic change

  • Suarez-Villa, Luis