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Risultati 20-40 di 414

Hobson and imperialism

radicalism, new liberalism, and finance 1887-1938

  • Cain, P.J.

Comparing empires

encounters and transfers in the long nineteenth century

Il Predominio dell’Occidente

tecnologia, ambiente, imperialismo

  • Headrick, Daniel R.

Roman imperialism

post-colonial perspectives


scritti su impero e guerra

  • Roy, Arundhati

Empires and diversity

on the crossroads of archaeology, anthropology, and history

  • Areshian, Gregory E.

Eserciti e imperi

la dimensione militare dell'imperialismo europeo 1815-1960

  • Kiernan, Victor G.

The crisis of the twenty-first century

empire in the age of austerity

La strategia dell'impero

dalle direttive del Pentagono al nuovo modello di difesa

  • Allegretti, Umberto


how societies overwhelm others

  • Day, David 1949-

Legalist empire

international law and American foreign relations in the early twentieth century

  • Coates, Benjamin Allen

The struggle for the Eurasian borderlands

from the rise of early modern empires to the end of the First World War

  • Rieber, Alfred J.


the idea and reality of British and French colonial expansion, 1880-1914

  • Baumgart, Winfried

Empires [+]

  • Doyle, Michael W.