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Risultati 140-160 di 342

Hydraulic tables

the elements of gagings and the friction of water flowing in pipes, aqueducts, sewers, etc. as determined by the Hazen and Williams formula and the flow of water over sharp-edged and irregular weirs, and the quantity discharged as determined by Bazin’s formula and experimental investigations upon large models

  • Williams, Gardner Stewart

Atti del 16. Convegno di idraulica e costruzioni idrauliche

25-26-27 settembre 1978, Torino : memorie

  • Convegno di idraulica e costruzioni idrauliche 16. Torino 1978

Elements of hydraulics

a short course

  • Merriman, Mansfield


  • Nebbia, Guido

Lehrbuch der hydraulik

fur ingenieure und physiker

  • Poschl, Theodor

Corso di idraulica

fogli supplettivi alle dispense del Prof. Di Ricco

  • Rastrelli, Agostino