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Risultati 1-20 di 48

Poesia e identità nazionale

forme arcaiche della lirica popolare ungherese e letteratura moderna

  • Rozsnyoi, Zsuzsanna

Memoria e identità

la cultura romana costruisce la sua immagine

Alterity and identity in Israel

the [ger] in the Old Testament

  • Ramirez Kidd, Jose E.

Ethnos e civiltà

identità etniche e valori democratici

  • Tullio-Altan, Carlo

Politics of national identity in Italy

immigration and "italianità"

  • Garau, Eva

When God took sides

religion and identity in Ireland : unfinished history

  • Elliott, Marianne

Frontiers of violence

conflict and identity in Ulster and Upper Silesia, 1918-1922

  • Wilson, T. K.

Identité et ethnicité

concepts, débats historiographiques, exemples (3.-12. siècle)

River of hope

forging identity and nation in the Rio Grande borderlands

  • Valerio-Jiménez, Omar S.

Quetes d'une identite collective chez les italiens de la Renaissance

Alberti, Guichardin, Speroni, Sienne au 16. siecle, le Tasse

Making and remaking Italy

the cultivation of national identity around the Risorgimento

Greek identity in the Western Mediterranean

papers in honour of Brian Shefton

Deconstructing Ireland

identity, theory, culture

  • Graham, Colin

Nazioni senza Stato

i movimenti etnico-nazionali in Occidente

  • Melucci, Alberto

National identities

the constitution of the United Kingdom

Risultati 1-20 di 48