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Risultati 60-80 di 360

Biologia delle razze umane

con cenni sulla razza italiana

  • Stefanelli, Augusto

The emergence of man

a joint symposium of the Royal Society and the British Academy, held on 12 and 13 march, 1980

Humans before humanity

en evolutionary perspective

  • Foley, Robert A.

The fossil trail

how we know what we think we know about human evolution

  • Tattersall, Ian

Evolution of social behaviour patterns in primates and man

a joint discussion meeting of the royal society and the british academy

Human origins

the fossil record

  • Larsen, Clark Spencer

Human nature

genes, cultures, and the human prospect

  • Ehrlich, Paul R. 1932-


Beitrage zur struktur und dynamik menschlicher populationen in anthropologischen sicht : contribution to their structure and dynamics

  • Bernhard, Wolfram

Natural selection in human populations

the measurement of ongoing genetic evolution in contemporary societies

Genetica umana

dal problema clinico ai principi fondamentali

  • Korf, Bruce R.

Storie di zampe, di mani e di pietre

arnesi e strumenti degli animali e dell'uomo : programma didattico per la scuola dell'obbligo

  • Amici del Museo di Torino Associazione di antropologia ed etnografia

Mankind evolving

the evolution of human species

  • Dobzhansky, Theodosius

Human evolution

physical anthropology and the origin of man

  • Lasker, Gabriel W.


  • Wolpoff, Milford H.

Menschliche abstammungslehre

fortschritte der "Anthropogenie" 1863-1964