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Risultati 140-160 di 3454

Stafford Cripps mission to Moscow


  • Gorodetsky, Gabriel

Film propaganda

Soviet Russia and Nazi-Germany

  • Taylor, Richard

The fire

the bombing of Germany, 1940-1945

  • Friedrich, Jörg 1944-

A world at arms

a global history of World War 2.

  • Weinberg, Gerhard L.

Estranged bedfellows

Britain and France int Middle East during the Second World War

  • Roshwald, Aviel


i rifugi antiaerei della Breda Aeronautica di Sesto San Giovanni

25 aprile, Celebrazione della totale liberazione del territorio italiano? [+]

le vittime delle incursioni aeree anglo-americane tra storia, memoria e rimozione

  • Volpe, Pompeo

La Linea gotica sul 44° parallelo

campi di battaglia, fortificazioni e rifugi antiaerei tra la media Valle del Serchio, la Collina pistoiese e il Passo della Futa

  • Amicarella, Daniele

Coalitions politicians and generals

some aspects of command in two world wars

  • Graham, Dominick

How war came

the immediate origins of the second world war, 1938-1939

  • Watt, Donald Cameron

The conduct of the air war in the Second World war

an international comparison : proceedings of the International Conference of historians in Freiburg im Breisgau, Federal Republic of Germany, from 29 august to 2 september 1988

  • International Conference of Historians 1988


die Entschädigung für Opfer der nationalsozialistischen Verfolgung nach dem Bundesergänzungsgesetz durch die Entschädigungsgerichte im OLG-Bezirk Hamm

  • Bebber, Katharina: van

East of Malta, West of Suez

Britainʼs mediterranean crisis, 1936-1939

  • Pratt, Lawrence R.

War in the wild East

the German Army and Soviet partisans

  • Shepherd, Ben

Risultati 140-160 di 3454