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Risultati 60-80 di 2267

British and French writers of the First World War

comparative studies in cultural history

  • Field, Frank

A nation in arms

a social study of the British army in the First World War

A war imagined

the First World War and English culture

  • Hynes, Samuel

I traumi d'Europa

natura e politica al tempo delle guerre mondiali

  • Livi Bacci, Massimo

Da Versailles al Milite ignoto

rituali e retoriche della vittoria in Europa, 1919-1921

  • Miniero, Alessandro

Lawrence of Arabia's war

the Arabs, the British, and the remaking of the Middle East in WW1.

  • Faulkner, Neil

The Great War & the Middle East

a strategic study

  • Johnson, Robert 1967-

Un paese in guerra

la mobilitazione civile in Italia (1914-1918)

Colonial captivity during the First World War

internment and the fall of the German empire, 1914-1919

  • Murphy, Mahon

The First World War and German national identity

the dual alliance at war

  • Vermeiren, Jan