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Risultati 1-20 di 32

La marina da guerra

  • Degli Uberti, Ubaldo

Entre vent et eau

un siècle d'hésitations tactiques et stratégiques, 1790-1890

  • Depeyre, Michel

Freedom of navigation and the law of the sea

warships, states and the use of force

  • Moore, Cameron

Ships and sea-power before the great Persian War

the ancestry of the ancient trireme

  • Wallinga, H. T.

Sea power and the control of trade

belligerent rights from the Russian War to the Beira patrol, 1854-1970

Naval power and expeditionary wars

peripheral campaigns and new theatres of naval warfare

Maritime warfare

  • Bowles, Thomas Gibson

Theorist of maritime strategy

Sir Julian Corbett and his contribution to military and naval thought

  • Widén, Jerker

Naval warfare under oars, 4th to 16th centuries

a study of strategy, tactics and ship design

  • Rodgers, William Ledyard

Naval Warfare

its ruling principles and practice historically treated

  • Colomb, Philip Howard

Brown-, green-, blue-water fleets

the influence of geography on naval warfare, 1861 to the present

  • Lindberg, Michael

Armada [+]

1588-1988 :

Venticinque secoli di guerra sul mare

da Salamina a Midway

  • Mordal, Jacques

La guerra sui mari [+]

sec. XIX-XX

  • Po, Guido

La guerra subacquea

il sottomarino e il potere marittimo

  • Hezlet, Arthur R.

Guerra anfibia

e operazioni combinate

  • Keyes, Roger

Risultati 1-20 di 32