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Risultati 320-340 di 16777

La società raccontata

metodi biografici e vite complesse

  • Bichi, Rita

The male body at war

American masculinity during World War II

  • Jarvis, Christina S.

The social and military position of the ruling caste in ancient India

as represented by the Sanskrit epic, with an appendix on the status of woman

  • Hopkins, Edward Washburn

Donors, devotees and daughters of God

temple women in Medieval Tamilnadu

  • Orr, Leslie C.

Land of women

tales of sex and gender from early Ireland

  • Bitel, Lisa M.

Strategies of distinction

the construction of ethnic communities, 300-800

  • Pohl, Walter


ethnographischer Atlas : atlante etnografico

Élites and power in twentieth-century Spain

essays in honour of Sir Raymond Carr

Regulating womanhood

historical essays onmarriage, motherhood and sexuality

Le féminisme

  • Michel, Andrée

Order and equipoise

the peerage and the House of Lords, 1783-1806

  • McCahill, Michael W.

The new white nationalism in America

its challenge to integration

  • Swain, Carol M.

Warrior women

the anonymous Tractatus de mulieribus

  • Gera, Deborah Levine

Frauen in Spätantike und Frühmittelalter

Lebensbedingungen, Lebensnormen, Lebensformen : Beiträge zu einer internationalen Tagung am Fachbereich Geschichtswissenschaften der Freien Universität Berlin 18. bis 21. Februar 1987

Manifesto Cyborg

donne, tecnologie e biopolitiche del corpo

  • Haraway, Donna Jeanne