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Risultati 1-20 di 69

Written in stone

public monuments in changing societies

  • Levinson, Sanford

Due nazioni, nera e bianca

separate, ostili, ineguali

  • Hacker, Andrew

La crisi dell'identità americana

dal "melting pot" al multiculturalismo

  • Lacorne, Denis

Assumed identities

the meanings of race in the Atlantic world

Strangers in the land

patterns of American nativism, 1860-1925

  • Higham, John

Blood in the face

the Ku Klux Klan, Aryan nations, nazi skinheads, and the rise of a new white culture

  • Ridgeway, James


a Critical Reader

  • Golderberg, David Theo

Alchimie d'America

identità etnica e cultura nazionale

  • Sollors, Werner

The wages of whiteness

race and the making of the American working class

  • Roediger, David

Colored white

transcending the racial past

  • Roediger, David R.

Anti-racism in U.S. history

the first two hundred years

  • Aptheker, Herbert

Confronting injustice

moral history and political theory

  • Lyons, David

Risultati 1-20 di 69